April 10, 2021 - April 10, 2021

Intra-college Workshop on Phonetics

Notre Dame English Club has always been playing an influential role in building an English skilled community by organizing exciting events throughout the year. The Covid- 19 pandemic has caused havoc in our daily lives but it has also given us ample chances of getting skillful in several fields of knowledge through online events like workshops and courses. NDEC is here again with another virtual arrangement.

Phonetics is an important part of language which helps to pronounce the words of that particular language in the correct manner. As there are four aspects of learning a language, phonetics helps developing one's speaking skills. To develop the English speaking ability and gain fluency in the correct way, NDEC has brought another opportunity for the students of Notre Dame College to become skillful in Phonetics by arranging an online event named Intra-College Workshop on Phonetics.

Instructor of the workshop-
Mafrukha Osru
Department of English
Notre Dame College

The workshop took place on 10th April 2021 , Saturday at 11:00 a.m.. Both members and non-members of NDEC attended flourishingly to the workshop.
View event page here!

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